Archiprix International 2021

I have participated in the Archiprix International 2021 where Archiprix International is a biennial competition. With each edition, Archiprix International presents a new generation of the world’s best architects, urbanists and landscape architects together with their graduation projects.


The site of Izmit features a coast that is a place where the coastline is changing constantly. The waterfront of Izmit Korfezi accommodates various functions including industry, transportation, commercial, and residential. The Earth’s climate has changed several times and these changes were caused by natural factors. However today we are facing climate change which is considered to be anthropogenic. There are significant and abrupt changes occurring in the behavioral patterns of the earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and landscapes caused by the increasing ecological footprint of individuals, buildings, cities, and industries. Changing the natural contour and geometry of the coastline, the infill areas on the coast can be considered as man-made interventions to the original coastline. Humankind’s ecological effects are transforming the Earth’s environment, making it difficult to predict and control the outcome of natural events.

By developing a vocabulary of ecological conditions especially eco-discrete and hypercoastline, the architectural program is in line with the exigencies of the environment within urban complexities that merges Research, Accommodation, Exhibition, Archival, and Ecological facilities. I also developed an architecture of “assemblage” in which assemblage is defined as a way of arranging multiple heterogeneous components, such as scapes, programs, users, site conditions.

The first studies are producing a system that reacts to the change in the coastline and examines what the merging of program elements might be. By using the vocabulary and language obtained from the first study, a more complex solution located near the urban city is designed. The scheme ties the urban walkway back to the coastline and rehabilitates the industrially harmed river over time. While each element is located in diverse parts of the site, their hinges are designed so that they are interacting with both the ecology and programmatic overlaps. Non-human dwelling is infused into the façade of these spaces while the changing tide transforms the relationship residents and the public have with the water.

Visualizing and Speculating about the Experience of Izmit Residents with the Program

Experience Collage: The images of the water is the courtesy of MIR. I have collaged my Arch402 project with this image to speculate about how the experience of the Izmit residents might be in this project.